
alfienity and beyond

Alfred Liwanag Lucero

Recently graduated software engineer and adventurer passionately engaging in and learning about full stack web development, UI, and UX design.

Currently exploring my passions as a frontend software engineer at SendGrid.

I love to build and break web applications to alfienity and beyond.


Alfred Lucero


University of California, Los Angeles: Los Angeles, CA | 09/13 - 06/17

  • Bachelor of Science, Computer Science
  • Honors: GPA: 3.55, Dean's Honor List, Upsilon Pi Epsilon International Honor Society, Alpha Lambda Delta National Honor Society
  • Leadership: Long Beach Zeta Mu Beta Multicultural Fraternity and Non-profit Organization - Pledge Educator

St. John Bosco High School | 08/09 - 05/13

  • Honors: Valedictorian, National Honor Society, California Scholarship Federation
  • Leadership: Varsity Tennis Captain, Key Club Vice President


SendGrid: Orange, CA | 07/17 - Present -
Frontend Engineer I

  • Working as a frontend software engineer under an Agile team in the Orange County office; focusing on redesign and improvements to current SendGrid UI

Sandia National Laboratories: Livermore, CA | 06/16 - 07/16 -
Web Developer R&D Year-round Intern

  • 06/16 - 12/16: Developed an intuitive frontend web application, NeoNodeDB, prototype with D3.js trees and sankeys, Linkurious.js graphs, HTML/Jade, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Node.js for the Department of Homeland Security that queries over 400GB of blockchain bitcoin Neo4j data and stores user metadata with MongoDB; team demoed to ICE agents in Washington DC on December 6, 2016 to potentially receive follow-up funding
  • 01/17 - 03/17: Developed dynamically updating bar chart and scatterplot visualizations in d3.js based on streaming data from ZeroMQ bindings; Transitioned to the corporate web development team and projects to continue developing web applications for Sandia as a general technical staff intern
  • 03/17 - 06/17: Gained experience with Agile processes and used Rally to keep track of tasks and user stories; developed printable org charts (trees, indented lists, and rosters view) for Sandia using HTML/CSS and Java/JSP that can be exported to a .png or .pdf file for office purposes

Daily Bruin Online, University of California, Los Angeles | 01/16 - 06/16 -
General Web Development Intern and Online Contributor

  • Aided in overhauling parts of the legacy HTML/PHP/CSS/JavaScript code base to redesign the Spectrum Photo section of the Daily Bruin Online website seen by over 30,000 users daily and created tribute flat pages such as the Bridget O'Brien project



Culdevate | React, Redux, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB/DynamoDB | 7/17 - Present | Development Phase

  • Entrepreneurial idea - "Cultivate better developers" - with UI/frontend currently being designed by Regine Deguzman
  • Development repo: culdevate-dev; collaborating on Slack and Trello

ZMB | MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, Node.js, D3.js | 11/16 - Present | Development Phase

  • Zeta Mu Beta prototype deployed on Heroku with mLab backend
  • Mean stack web application to showcase general information about Zeta Mu Beta with family tree visualizations using D3.js

Pogs | MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, Node.js | 11/16 - Present | Development Phase

  • Pogs V1 deployed on Heroku with mLab backend
  • Virtual refrigerator of shared sticky notes to schedule and archive the plans of Pedong (Alfred) or Gingin (Regine)

Portfelo | MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, Node.js | 10/16 - Present | Concept Phase

  • Incremental prototype of a custom photo portfolio designed to be social in connecting with your portfelo peers - UI/frontend currently being redesigned by Regine Deguzman before prototype development
  • Pre-prototype from when I started to explore the full stack web development cosmos


CSM117: Computer Networks: Physical Layer | S17

  • Developed an Android Bruinfo app to provide an automatically updating feed of Google Search results related to all the locations around the user
  • Utilized jsoup to parse HTML of Google Search results and update the Bruinfo feed, Google Places API to retrieve locations around user's coordinates, and Google Maps API to display an updating map relating to the user's location

CS130: Software Engineering | W17

  • Boost webserver implemented using C++11, GTest unit testing, GCov test coverage, Bash/Python integration testing, Travis-CI for continuous integration, and Nginx-inspired parsing of config files - modeling the HTTP Restful API; Dockerized and pushed to an AWS instance for demo
  • Features: multithreading, Lua scripting, HTTPS support for reverse proxy, markdown rendering, requests such as static file serving, echoing, and status reports

CS170A: Mathematical Modeling and Methods for Computer Science | F16

  • Matlab projects using Jupyter Notebooks (IPython) applying linear matrix algebra such as SVD, PCA, Fourier Transform, Ridge Regression/Least Squares, and Chi-Squared Tests i.e. photoshop detector, analyzing music notes, altering RGB values

CS 145: Introduction to Data Mining | F16

  • FPTree and Pairwise Item Lift optimization using Java
  • Exposed to concepts related to association rule/frequent pattern mining (apriori, DIC, FP Growth), sequential pattern mining (PrefixScan, Approximate Match), unsupervised learning/clustering (K-Means, K-Medoid/PAM, Birch, DBScan, Optics), supervised learning/classification (Decision Tree Induction, Bayesian Classification, SVM, CBA), tree mining (TreeMiner), graph mining (FSG, gSpan, FFSM), Bayesian Networks

CS M152A: Digital Design Lab | W16

CS174A: Introduction to Computer Graphics | S15

  • Collaborated with team members to create a bowling arcade game in the browser with keyboard controls and different modes using WebGL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS

CS111: Operating Systems Principles | W15

  • Developed a profiling shell with C to run bash commands by tokenizing, parsing, and executing user input

CS 143: Database Systems | F15

  • Movie database website using PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS; database running on Linux Apache server in virtual machine, Selenium tests
  • Implemented B+ tree in C++ and covered RDBMS/SQL

CS 118: Computer Network Fundamentals | F15

CS 32: Introduction to Computer Science II | W14

  • Developed Bug Blast arcade game using C++ and using STL data structures such as a queue with breadth-first search to have simple AI following the player as one attempts to beat each level
  • Dived into object-oriented principles and exposed to data structures such as linked lists, maps, sets, hashtables, dynamic arrays, stacks, queues, etc.




  • Music: Self-taught to play acoustic guitar since 8th grade
  • Avid Gamer: Anime, Online Gaming (Xbox Live - Halo, LoL eSports, CSGO, MMORPGs)
  • Sports: Basketball - Lakers, Tennis - Rafael Nadal
  • Recently Traveled Countries: Caribbean Islands, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Canada, UK, France, Netherlands, Greece, Spain, Sweden, Italy


  • Podcasts: Syntax.,ShopTalk, Software Engineer Daily, Software Engineering Radio, Programming Throwdown, Developer Tea, Freakonomics, Radiolab
  • Reading List: JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford, HTML & CSS: Design and Build Web Sites by Jon Duckett, JavaScript and jQuery: Interactive Front-end Web Development by Jon Duckett, Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke, You Don't Know JS Series by Kyle Simpson (Up & Going, this & Object Prototypes, Types & Grammar, Async & Performance, ES6 & Beyond), Agile Project Management for Dummies by Mark C. Layton, Programming JavaScript Applications by Eric Elliott, Learning JavaScript Design Patterns by Addy Osmani